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Master and Slave Connections

In this tutorial we explain how you can setup Doctrine connections as master and slaves for both reading and writing data. This strategy is common when balancing load across database servers.

So, the first thing we need to do is configure all the available connections for Doctrine.

$connections = array( 'master' => 'mysql://root:@master/dbname',

'slave_1' => 'mysql://root:@slave1/dbname', 'slave_2' => 'mysql://root:@slave2/dbname', 'slave_3' => 'mysql://root:@slave3/dbname', 'slave_4' => 'mysql://root:@slave4/dbname' );

foreach ($connections as $name => `dsn) { Doctrine_Manager::connection(` dsn, $name); } Now that we have one master connection and four slaves setup we can override the Doctrine_Record and Doctrine_Query classes to add our logic for switching between the connections for read and write functionality. All writes will go to the master connection and all reads will be randomly distributed across the available slaves.

Lets start by adding our logic to Doctrine_Query by extending it with our own MyQuery class and switching the connection in the preQuery() hook.

class MyQuery extends Doctrine_Query { // Since php doesn't support

late static binding in 5.2 we need to override // this method to instantiate a new MyQuery instead of Doctrine_Query public static function create(`conn = null) { return new MyQuery(` conn); }

public function preQuery()
    // If this is a select query then set connection to one of the slaves
    if ($this->getType() == Doctrine_Query::SELECT) {
        $this->_conn = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getConnection('slave_' . rand(1, 4));
    // All other queries are writes so they need to go to the master
    } else {
        $this->_conn = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getConnection('master');


Now we have queries taken care of, but what about when saving records? We can force the connection for writes to the master by overriding Doctrine_Record and using it as the base for all of our models.

abstract class MyRecord extends Doctrine_Record { public function

save(Doctrine_Connection `conn = null) { // If specific connection is not provided then lets force the connection // to be the master if (` conn=== null) { `conn = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getConnection('master'); } parent::save(` conn);} }

All done! Now reads will be distributed to the slaves and writes are given to the master connection. Below are some examples of what happens now when querying and saving records.

First we need to setup a model to test with.

class User extends MyRecord { public function setTableDefinition() {

$this->setTableName('user'); $this->hasColumn('username', 'string', 255, array('type' => 'string', 'length' => '255')); $this->hasColumn('password', 'string', 255, array('type' => 'string', 'length' => '255')); } }

// The save() method will happen on the master connection because it is

a write $user = new User(); $user->username = 'jwage'; $user->password = 'changeme'; $user->save();

// This query goes to one of the slaves because it is a read $q = new MyQuery(); $q->from('User u'); $users = $q->execute();


// This query goes to the master connection because it is a write $q = new MyQuery(); $q->delete('User') ->from('User u') ->execute();